Table of contents



1. What is Waste?


2. Responsibilities


3. Consequences of inadequate dealing with waste

3.1 Ecological impacts

3.2 Physical impacts


4. EU: Principles, Policies and Directives

4.1 Waste Prevention

4.2 The 3 R’s (Reduce Reuse Recycle)

4.3 The Council Directive on Waste

4.4 The precautionary principle

4.5 Integrated pollution prevention and control: IPPC Directive

4.6 Environmental liability – Directive

4.7 Waste management statistics

4.8 The Multi Barrier Landfill Concept

4.9 Reduction of biodegradable waste components

4.10 Overview on the MSW relevant EU regulations


5. Waste generation

5.1 Total waste

5.2 Municipal waste

5.3 Composition of MSW



6. Waste collection systems

6.1 The timing of waste separation

6.2 Waste collection point

6.3 Technical waste removal systems

6.4 Organisation of collections


7. Basic elements of waste treatment

7.1 Sorting

7.2 Biological Treatment

7.3 Thermal Treatment

7.4 Landfill


8. Waste management concepts / planning tools

8.1 Stepwise development of waste management

8.2 Institutional aspects: Who does what?

8.3 How to design a waste fee?

8.4 Assessment of waste (in terms of quantity and quality)

8.5 Household waste concept

8.6 Organic waste concepts

8.7 Concepts for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional waste

8.8 Construction and Demolition Waste concepts

8.9 Healthcare waste concepts

8.10 Hazardous Waste


9. PR work of communities to increase "waste awareness"